آخر مستجدات تربية النحل الآن في الاردن


The latest in Beekeeping is now in Jordan

Trade mark for AniVet

آخر مستجدات تربية النحل الان في الاردن

خلية تعتمد على نظام جديد يضمن الآتي

  • عدم تطريد الخلية

  • التقليل من الاصابة بالفاروا

  • التقليل من الاصابة بالامراض البكتيرية والنوزيما والتكلس

  • التقليل من استخدام الكيماويات وبالتالي انتاج نوعية عسل افضل

  • امكانية توفير تدفئة للخلية في فصل الشتاء خاصة في الايام الشديدة البرودة وايام الصقيع

  • نظافة مستمرة للخلية

  • لا حاجة لنقل براويز الحضنة من الطابق الاول في الخلية الى العاسلة لافساح المجال امام الملكة لوضع البيض خلال فصل الربيع بسبب اتساع حجم خلية التربية (الطابق الاول)

  • امكانية تصميم البيوت الريفية لتكون الخلية جزءا من هذه البيوت ومرتبة فوق بعضها البعض ومع ذلك يستطيع مربي النحل الكشف على كل الخلايا من داخل البيت دون حرج

  • الان متوفرة حسب الطلب ومن منتجها الاصلي في هنجاريا


The rotating broodframe beehive from the aspect of bee health

Dr. László Békési  researcher, Research Institute for Animal Breeding and Nutrition, Gödöllő

The development of the Kónya rotating broodframe beehive has been followed by the Bee breeding and Biology Research group of our institute from the beginning. The basic purpose of the intventor was to apply a unique method of biological (biotechnical) protection against the Varroa mite.

Biotechnical method means that instead of using chemical controllers, we try to interfere in the pest's biologics, disturbing their reproduction cycle. There are many possibilities, such as: natural enemies, using the attracting or repelling effects of pheromones, sterilized males, etc. A widespread method of protection is to reduce the number of broods, or a more effective, but laboursome method: mite traps inside the brood cells. Researchers and beekeepers have been looking for a solution with phermone traps, but until now they haven't been able to come up with anything useable.

Our fellow beekeeper, Lajos Kónya has been studying foreign literature in beekeeping, and found a detailed study about the Varroa mite's reproduction inside the cells. The international research group recorded the on-goings in infected broodcells adhered to a glass wall. They found out that on top of the cell there is a "meeting point" indicated by mite faeces, which has great significance in their reproduction cycle. Time is an essential factor in the reproduction of mites, every insecurity, or mistake can endanger success. The rotation of the brood confuses mites in their orientation, in regards of mating and finding nutrition.

While searching for new technological solutions to rotate the frames, Lajos Kónya has been in contact with different research stations and universities. During his work of development, he discovered several new advantages, which he built into the technology (swarm prevention, even brood, quick development, etc.)

When Anivet became included, the advantages emerged in connection with preventing deseases This is what I would like to emphasize now.

General advantages

         Modern hive type

         Built-in higienic bottom board

         Separation of brood and honey supers

         Circular brood, without edges

         Self-regulating balance in the brood

         Less stress caused by treatments

         Improved "colony morals"

General rules of preventing diseases

         Unified technique – easier to avoid health damages caused by false treatment

         With increased higiene multifactorial disposition diseases can be prevented

         Quicker, easier way to control breeding

         Evenly strong colonies have better morals

         Reduced stress caused by chemical treatments

Advantages related to preventing diseases


        Easier to inspect broodcells (honey and pollen are only in the side frames)

        Reduced danger of spreading pathogenes with honey thanks to separated brood and honey chambers

        Better cleaning on circular combs


        Stronger colonies have better chance to live through winter

        Good isolation improves winter conditions

        Low number of mites, does not disturb the colony in winter

        Slower spreading of viruses

        Colonies fly out earlier in spring, develop faster - no need for nosema treatment


        Better ventilation thanks to the special shaped brood chamber

        No humid, unventilated areas

        Balanced temperature inside the brood

        Stronger colonies complete more cleaning

        Higienic bottom board separates bees from fallen, infected pupae

        No need for treatment

         Varroa mite infection (Varoosis)

        Male and female mites lose orientation due to the rotation

        Less chance of egglaying and mating

        Different position of female mites and the nutrition of larvae

        Less nutrition chances

        Low rate of mite reproduction

        Environmentally friendly treatment is sufficient

        No stress caused by chemical treatments

        No chemical residuals

 We can conclude that this new reform technology is not only suitable for Varroa mite protection, but has several other advantages in regards of bee diseases. This might be explained by the more natural shape of the brood chamber (similar to a bolt-hole), which provides a better environment for the bees to consummate their natural behaviour and instincts. Their cleaning instincts become stronger, which is important for a better prevention of diseases. Healthier colonies have no need for pharmaceuticals, and can be protected with minimal chemical treatment against the Varroa mite.

This technology enabes a secure honey quality, free from chemicals and pharmaceuticals, which complies with the consumer demand and thus the beekeepers' interest worldwide.

